Bonito Sports Hard-Case Freediving-Fin Bag
Bonito Sports Hard-Case Freediving-Fin Bag is perfect for air travelling! Built with the added protection you need for your delicate free diving fins, and meant for check in as well.
If you’re like most freedivers, then the idea of travelling with long freediving fins probably makes you a little nervous and you have every right to feel that way. Freediving fins (plastic, fibreglass and especially carbon fibre) are expensive fins, quite fragile and often one of a freediver’s most valued possessions. If they get damaged during your travels, not only will it set you back a few hundred dollars… But will also mean you won’t be able to use your trusty fins during your trip, ultimately spoiling your freediving vacation!
There are many free diving fin bags available to make your travels comfortable and easy, and for sure most fin bags will offer a good level of protection, but none of them protects your precious fins like this hard case.
This hard case is made from lightweight but very strong PVC with a smooth or brushed surface, while the inside is made of fibre and foam nylon materials. The freediving fin hard case comes in 3 colours and is equipped with a hand carry handle as well as a shoulder strap.
Outer Dimensions:
- Length: 110cm
- Width: 22cm
- Thickness:14cm
- Weight: 2.4kg
Inner Dimensions:
- Length: 108cm
- Width: 21cm
- Thickness:14cm